Day Tickets
Day anglers are allowed on site from dawn - dusk
Current times:
05:30 - 19:00 (06:30 - 20:00 after the clock change)
All lakes are open for fishing everyday apart from Campbell Lake (matches only) & 28-35 on Middle Lake (private pegs for lodge guests) unless stated below.
Please pay before you start fishing - pay in the shop or use the payment envelopes if the shop is closed.
Junior (16 & under)
1 Rod - £8
2 Rod - £10
Concession (65+/registered disabled)
1 Rod - £9
2 Rod - £11
1 Rod - £11
2 Rod - £13
Afternoon/Evening (currently 14:00 onwards
1 Rod - £8
2 Rod - £9
Prices changes from 1st April 2025
Junior (16 & under)
1 Rod - £8
2 Rod - £10
Concession (65+/registered disabled)
1 Rod - £10
2 Rod - £12
Afternoon/Evening (currently 14:00 onwards
1 Rod - £8
2 Rod - £10
1 Rod - £12
2 Rod - £14
No carp or F1s in keepnets.
Silverfish are allowed in keepnets with a 50lb limit.
Fishing is allowed from dawn till dusk only.
2 rods maximum per person.
Buy your ticket before fishing from the shop or use the prepay envelopes outside the shop door if shop is closed.
We don’t hire gear. You need to bring your own or you can purchase equipment from our onsite shop.
Juniors must be accompanied by an adult over the age of 18.
Only spectators allowed are partners & parents, everyone else needs to have a ticket if they’re on site.
Barbless hook only.
All anglers must have a landing net at all times.
No fixed rigs. This includes anything up the line e.g. swivels.
No braid reel lines.
No lure fishing/spin fishing/drop shotting.
No live/dead baits.
No bait boats.
No magic twigs
Fishing from platforms only.
Do not enter the water.
No litter. Please use bins provided.
Campbell Lake is strictly out of bounds - matches/lake bookings only.
No dogs.
No night fishing.
All fish to be returned.
An EA rod licence is required to fish.
No refunds.
Any angler breaking the rules will be asked to leave the fishery.